To whomever it may concern,

I'll just state plainly that my political philosophy stuff is my least researched and genuinely should be considered the most lesser of all of my ideas. I pride myself on polarizing metaphysical discoveries far more than my walking on eggshells relationship with approaching reasonable leftist thought that doesn't leave me compartmentalized. There seems to be quite a trend in leftist philosophy bubbles where an argument is distilled into a projected influencer then dismissed solely on the semantic nature of those influencers. I'll make a random example here:

Person A: I think that all clowns should wear blue tinted face make-up because that color naturally calms the mind when perceived. Perhaps if that were widely adopted there would be less children with fear associated with clowns?

Person B: That sounds exactly like something Bonknose would say. Did you know that he once stepped on a mouse on purpose while he was hungover in front of a child? Unforgiveable!

This is obviously highly hyperbolized and cartoonified but I've seen this type of stuff be construed as a normal and rational means of dismissing an argument from all walks of life. It's as though the mere mention of another person's name within a thinkpiece is instantaneous endorsement of what shampoo they enjoyed to use in the morning. I'm frankly almost tempted to just become self-referential to the point of insanity in protest of this; though I'm certain the names I've mentioned thus far will just be used as ammo.

I am a philosopher as much as I am merely a fallacious human being with philosophies. The works I construe ideas from are heavily paraphrased (to state it lightly) from notions that inevitably had information lost in translation or confabulated in the process. I simply saw what I yearned to see within a small fragment of any name I have or ever will mention.

I could give less of a shit about articulating these thoughts in ways conducive to the intellectual state and I like to leave little breadcrumbs of humanity in my work like minor grammatical errors and stilted sentencing. If someone else's life within the establishment is made as inconvenient as mine is made by that said establishment I am satisfied.

My ideas are bound to be frankenstein'd into an abomination that vaguely resembles me regardless of what I do in life. If I can pull some 4D chess to get a dick somehow on the forehead of that frankenstein'd abomination so that members of the intellectual state have to gaze at that glorious pecker every time they conjure my name then I have won.

Some Dickhead

P.S. I know you dickheads are going to go 'but what's an 'intellectual state' I mean come on dude this is just like reading Kant where he's coining stuff left and right and self referencing himself into oblivion' so here you go:

The 'intellectual state' I refer to is a collection of powerful oligarchal people with means to influence intellectual culture. The kinds of people that treat Newtonian principles as dogmatic scripture while ignoring the alchemy stuff.

See? Doesn't feel too good when I do it to you, huh? There's your featherless biped, assholes.