Given that surveillance and recording of data seems to be a very prevalant issue in the modern climate I feel as though I should add my two cents on the matter. Content that I have posted online while considering the possibility of someone finding it some day I consider to be publicly published. I consent to publicly published content to be surveilled or recorded, however I do not consent at any capacity to surveillance or recording that exits those bounds unless I am provided forms to sign detailing the entire nature of the interaction in a non-obfuscated manner. If someone is able to give me an anonymous tip online any time a non-consentual interaction such as surveillance or recording occurs with me I would greatly appreciate it. My discord group is openly available for anyone who is interested in getting in contact with me. There's a link in the archive if you know where to look. 

One primary reason I've gravitated to neocities for these posts is that as far as I am aware there is a lot less data to siphon. I see posting here rather than to traditional social media as akin to an 'informational veganism'. I'm still not airtight yet, unfortunately. Every now and again I'll post a comment on a Youtube video, which I'm certain adds a checked box of data for viewer retention to Google. I pay for the service by becoming a product. Obviously since any comment that I publish was posted considering the possibility that someone may find it some day, it qualifies. What nags at me a little is the algorithmic data regarding which content I comment on and which content I refrain to comment on. I don't like how stances like these can easily be interpreted as overreactions nowadays. In a way I'm honestly sad to see wearing masks in public start to go out of vogue given the existence of cameras with incredibly advanced facial recognition software out there. My face has already been logged and scanned over a hundred times and any time I should decide to go to a supermarket an observer is only a few steps away from knowing my full name and date of birth. Obviously there's a certain social contract to walking into an establishment nowadays where part of the deal is accepting that people will be watching me to determine whether I'm there to cause trouble or not. I just don't like that there's implications to footage taken that exits the bounds of those stores as a means to map my weekly schedule in data. Wearing a mask any time I'm out and about I needn't think about any of that.