You may want to read some of the PDF in this for some context on all this:

Sometime last year I stumbled on an game that came in the form of a PDF which piqued my interest enough to download it and take a look. It's a game called 'Get In Loser' and the premise is that you and your friends occupy the various 'personas' of an empty human vessel akin to how an AI with personality modules would operate. I haven't read much Jung, if at all really, but I'm pretty sure the whole premise is about as Jungian as the mention of the word persona because the only other philosophical realm I've ever heard of the idea of modular personality is in Freud's coke fueled ramblings. 

The idea of modular personality is a very compelling one so it's no suprise that a lot of stories have milked it for all it's worth. Need some way to break down a character's essence for a big cerebral scene? Throw some Freud up in there and see what comes of it. (Maybe scrap the penis envy stuff though.)

Anyways, after I stumbled on that game's PDF just sitting around on my computer this morning I got a chance to overthink what I read. What if I were to read the game's premise metaphorically as a community operating around the empty vessel of a cult of personality? There's a lot of interesting examples of organized collections of people acting as one body with a distinct personality from other organized bodies of people. Fandoms ranging all the way from BTS to Ween (Praise Boognish!) in levels of chill/brown factor have existed about as long as communication has streamlined. Different sections of each community perform different functions and often interact with in some way or another with other 'vessels' in ways that may or may not cause 'scenes' around them. In that sense if, hypothetically, more than three people knew I existed, I'd probably be the 'foil' to the 'vessel' in my case.

Maybe it's logically consistent, maybe not at all. I only gave an hour of thought into this. Anyone want to play this thing with me?