Having a body is weird. I guess if I could choose any body at a moment's notice my taste in bodies would be like the average Spotify listener's taste in music. Before streaming everybody had to go out and buy physical copies of music, sit with the things that they purchased, really get to know them. Now something has to hook someone from the start, because the moment they're stressed out it's over.

In my case I spent my only dollar on the only thing I could afford and now there's suddenly no more dollars anywhere ever and I've got to sit with this one my entire life. I feel like I'd take Spotify over having a desert island record being Jimmy Buffet's Greatest Hits. That's not my desert island record but here I am with a record on a deserted island so I guess I've just got to deal with it.

This really is a special kind of Hell. The way I look at ethics, what people deserve, is really down to what's happening currently. Like, yeah, General Butt Naked is still alive... but what does torturing him accomplish? He's not currently punting baby heads like soccer balls so there's nothing to prevent. People get tortured in war to get information, to solve conflicts quickly and efficiently. Butt Naked published his life story for free.

Let me tell you, I am not "Pro Baby Decapitation Soccer Matches" because if I had a button that would instantly make every baby decapitator an upstanding citizen instead then I would press it right away. If there was a coalition of baby decapitators planning to strike an orphanage and I had one captive, heck yeah I'd torture that baby decapitator. Only enough to learn where their encampment is so we can rain down artillery.

Anything beyond that, and then I'm just profiting off of the death of babies by getting high on torturing an evildoer. I may even tacitly wish for more baby decapitators to come around for me to enact my bloodlust upon, inadvertently wishing for more babies to be beheaded in order to make more baby decapitators for me to torture. It just gets messier and messier, fast. That's why I believe in doing only enough to solve the problem.

That is to say: What the fuck does giving me this body solve? That has to be entirely random. It's like I'm born into a baby decapitator encampment and through no fault of my own I'm suddenly beheaded. Just, luck of the draw I guess. Sometimes you win some, sometimes someone's shouting "Score!" as your freshly decapitated head hits the soccer net. What's there to learn? Does karma actually solve anything? I don't remember shit.

No past life shenanigans, none of that. Sure I'm willing to accept the premise of some people being reborn, conservation of energy and all, but any of it being relative to morality? No. Punishing people just to punish people is like loading evildoers into a crack pipe and smoking them, to feel like a good person. Maybe the victims of the evildoer can get high on the fumes as a coping mechanism they can move on from... but what if they don't?

They end up becoming like true crime soccer moms who depend upon content that requires human sacrifices to make. If all of the crime in the world suddenly stopped, what would all of those people do? Sure, there's re-runs, but it won't be the same if they no longer have that existential threat of anybody being able to cut their lives short any moment. What if they start doing crimes themselves? Fuck, I want to be a cute girl my whole life.