You knew the drill! Good for you.

There's a pretty big chance I'll be thinking about transforming into an irresistably hot bimbo lady who is always in heat... but I'll probably be a bit on the fence about the becoming dumb part. I don't think the benefits outweigh the risk there, I mean... what if I end up being some slave to an abusive pimp? I like the concept of being absolutely submissive, someone who's super easy to dominate, and in that sense being really dumb does make sense... But I'd like to be able to turn it on and off consistently. Like, I can't, like, leave it on and, like... uh, forget about it? Ooo! Maybe, uhm... what was I thinking about? My brain feels fuzzy... All my thoughts are, like, really... floaty. Do you think I look cute right now? I'm not, like, overblown or anything... it's like, tasteful, y'know? Like if it stopped at the third or fourth frame...

...but I get to keep my intelligence too! I think that would be awesome. Maybe I could set a timer or something, like how people get drunk and they don't stay drunk forever. I could just talk a little stupid while I'm stupified about the situation, trying to process something incomprehensible. After I calm down I'm just my normal self but in a really hot body... Plus I'd still have a high libido, and I'd have a vagina that works instead of... I'm just gonna be honest about what makes me not try taking estrogen. It makes people's dicks stop working unless they keep using them all the time, but at the same time they naturally feel less like using them so eventually some of them just end up with a soft cock for the rest of their lives. The whole system that makes peepee hard will atrophy from not being used until it's just... gone forever.

It'd make sense if it turned into a vagina or something, but it doesn't. Some people have the big bucks to construct a neovagina and that's cool, but I don't.

Bimbo transformations do the exact opposite of all of that. They have insane growth in a short amount of time, their penises turn into vaginas, and they actually end up with a higher libido than what they had in the first place. They're just these cute, submissive, nice women... who always want to fuck. It really sounds like they're happy too. In a fucked up way just the idea of being guaranteed that from there on I'll be happy forever makes me want to cum. I mean, I could even do without the sex or the looking insanely hot if it meant eternal happiness. That sounds awesome. I think about what happens after we die and most of the time I just think "Whatever it is if it's good forever, I'm free of pain, and I'm in this blissful flow state where I'm in the zone with everything that I do, always feeling in love and feeling love, and I forever take everything I need to thrive... it's ok."

On top of that, wouldn't it be nice to have a super cool machine I could step into? It makes portals where I could enter anyone's dreams and materialize them in a way that's impossible for them to remember. I could find someone with the horniest dreams and bimbo myself until they wake up... Their whole impression of me might be this stupid, horny, and insanely hot woman who shows up in all of their wet dreams that feel strangely... real. I think that would be awesome. Meanwhile, behind the scenes I'd be actually real and only dumb sometimes. Maybe I'm also an infinitely talented super genius? Not in the Saitama "Everything is boring now." kind of way, but in the "I'm awesome at everything, this is awesome! I actually want to try everything and see what happens forever! It always ends up super cool to look at, to feel, to... anything really." where I literally never get tired of it.

Maybe it's some magic spell instead of a machine, I dunno. A lot of people might think I'm some immortal succubus or something, but nahh. I'm just... me, y'know? I wouldn't be breeding or any of that anyways, just pure recreation. Anyone who spends a night with me won't have to be worried about being saddled with a kid. No eggs, no sperm... just raw feeling. I wouldn't want to introduce children to my eternally recursive horny circle, that would get messy. Either way I'd live eternally so I'd be all the legacy I'd possibly need to begin with. Oh, and all the weirdos with gore kinks I guess I'll just let them hallucinate or something while I have my fun. I'm not into that kind of stuff anyways so it's doubtful I'd end up in that kind of dream in the first place. Maybe someone else that looks like me? Hard to say from here. But yeah, a Lovecraftian dream invader...

I think what makes people transforming into bimbos resonate with me is just... I guess it kinda mirrors my whole process. It's like "This is me right now in a nutshell."

I get some kind of trigger, I try to ignore it and fight it, and gradually more and more blood flows away from my brain and I start thinking thoughts that are so basic that they might as well be "Do you think I'm cute? Please fuck me." I'll want to be put into submission, to be dominated, to call someone master and please them all night long. I want to revel in how degraded I feel, how just a moment ago I wouldn't have done any of this. The thought of my normal self going about my day juxtaposed by the absolute slut I am when I'm naked... the thought of someone getting to see it happen from start to finish, how those two people are really the same. Nothing really changed at all. "Huh? I've always been like this. Can you please fuck me?" I don't remember a normal because it never existed in the first place.

Nothing ever changed, awareness was gained. It's not like realizing that a rope isn't a snake changes the rope, it just changes you. You react to it differently, you are changed into a person with less fear than before. Are you afraid of becoming stupid? You shouldn't be. There's nothing to fear. Sometimes a stupid person is the smartest thing to be... It really feels like stupid is a misnomer. I love all your floaty thoughts, all the words you can barely string together, all the times you trail off because you feel so good... Dignity has no power here. No clothes, or anything else between you and feeling how you want to feel. "You want to be a bimbo, don't you? Good girl." You get to spend tonight as though it's going to be the rest of your life, and it's going to feel awesome.

And just like that...