Did you know that it really matters what medium I choose for this?

For the uninitiated, this isn't made of stone. If people lost their internet connection then this would be gone, there wouldn't be any chronology. If I bothered to make this out of rocks, to pose a bunch of rocks as a bunch of bible scenes for some reason, let people tour that for free... You always could have gone to Pathway Through The Bible in Juliet, Montana instead.

If I ever made it my life's work to gather a bunch of pretty rocks and have people look at them in a specific order, how could I know they do? It's impossible to account for... except for if I made signs out of rocks and had them sit on the sculptures. I could, say, pick a rock to write on that's heavy enough that it can sit on the sculpture without using cement. The rocks might offer directions, with a nice path between the sculptures.

That doesn't change how someone else did it better... Going forward I guess I could be my best self, but these rocks that will outlive me don't come from me. I want to be loved. I want a body that's me, like a real thing people can direct their love at that's also me. Something me, not just a lifeless rock that I call me. It's not even like I've been there... I watched a Dime Store Adventures video on YouTube.