Do you really like to make stuff? If you want almost anything, it's out there. You could make just about anything I or anyone else could care enough to document. Think of every little bit of your work that anyone else might care to preserve for other eyes to find one day. Like those scribes that would copy entire books by hand, all having lived a little less so that a work of art could go on to have a life of its own. A pretty little parasite.

If your art carried reasons justifying its own existence instead of the signals that culminate in your message, then it simply wouldn't exist. The more context, the less reason there is for it to be there to begin with. How much context does your art get? How much context does my art get? Surely you've never concerned yourself about every detail, that would take way beyond a lifetime. The more you'd try, the less you'd be making.

I want a... I want a perfect little middle ground. Just enough answers that I leave you confused instead of fixing my creation to be a corpse for consumption. Like... like Old Man Henderson's character biography. So big, so pointless, that my creation could suddenly know Yiddish and nobody blinks an eye.