All of my philosophy is in limbo... it just matters whether or not I land the plane. If I have a life that turns out alright considering, then I'm like Siddhartha who was destined to own a kingdom. If I have a terrible life then I'm like a pariah, an untouchable caste, who isn't even considered. Frankly I hate karma, it makes people only listen to the wealthy who are only in their position because they're really good at exploiting people. It's just... it gets people high like an opiate that soothes pain after injuries, imagining fate's revenge, and it soothes any pain one might feel from exploiting another person's labor. Untouchables can be exploited because they did bad stuff in their past lives, they say... Meanwhile the brahmin spend their whole lives profiting from the suffering of others, doing evil shit left and right, and they're numb to it because they keep consuming karma day in and day out. I get it, the need to feel numb, but you won't catch me lying to myself about what I'm doing every day.

Monkey see, monkey do. If I have the bananas, you want to copy me so that you get the bananas too. Sometimes though, you just get born next to a lot of bananas... and not many who want you to share. Because of the way you're born you might feel pain from seeing other monkeys starving, pain that keeps you from sustaining. Eventually you adapt a psychological defense mechanism, telling yourself that they all deserve it. It's all a hallucination! None of that is real. All that's real is you, your enviroment of finite bananas, and the others within it. You have the bananas, they don't. Simple as that.

Savant, idiot... who cares? It's always the same damn thing. Some people are just obsessed with things you happen to want. If you don't want it, then they need a plan B... and every moment they don't go for that plan B they look dumber and dumber. Sometimes they have the bananas, and sometimes they don't. Do they deserve every bit of ridicule for losing? You're just putting them in your bowl and smoking them like crack. The idea of them, it gets you unbelievably high. The idea of you, it gets you high all the same. Your wet dreams of donating millions to the poor in a past life, of saving lives, discovering cures for devastating conditions, all of it makes a karma junkie go nuts. You don't need to self reflect at all! There's zero work you need to do. Everything is in its right place, the losers are hilarious, and you're at the top cackling because you know how to be good in this world while they all don't. It wasn't about getting good at love, it was about getting good at game theory. Knowing the meta, and exploiting the shit out of it. That's how you get pleasant past lives.

No matter what you do in life, you never fucked your mom like Chris Chan did. Thinking about that gets you high, doesn't it? Shit, I'll take that over something that you dreamed up like someone being Hitler in a past life where you were Gandhi.

Currently you either have a messed up head, or you don't. You might be on fire your whole life, desperately trying to put yourself out. You might be relaxing in the shade your whole life, watching the chaos from a comfortable distance. RNG can make or break it. Thing is, you have a lot of leeway. Some things are fated, sure, you can never defy the laws... but you can still decide upon good things. Imagine a speedrunner getting terrible RNG, then doing a really insane maneuver successfully and saving their run. It's happened before. Like the way Chrysippus would explain how an object may roll as a metaphor for stoic fate. I'm a fan of Machiavelli's system of Virtu and Fortuna in place of Stoicism's Internal and External system, but bear in mind that's based on a video essay I saw a couple months ago and not on anything I've read from the guy. Anyways, point is, you play with the hand you're dealt. Wasting time looking for reasons why you were dealt your hand is only going to make you lose the game. Imagine if your DNA asked why it exists instead of telling your body how to reconstruct itself. You simply wouldn't be.

Leave the asking questions for the ones who have really good hands, it's best they're left distracted by their reflection so you can rob them of all they own. When they look and find they have nothing, they won't pursue you because they will feel like they deserved it all along. Every little inch of bliss they have gives you a mile to work with when you turn it around. Withdrawals are awful.

Anyways, was this funny? I'm enlightened enough about my condition that I know it's best to be a boring target. I don't think you were expecting a big diatribe about how karma can suck my dick. Some part of this existing has to be hilarious though. It's got to be. Shit, how high are you? I never said I was the one doing the fluke.