I like to think that I became a poet because of my name, that it made me braver. I also found out rather recently that Wilfred Owen wasn't a straight man, and I quite like that. It's like I have an element of intrinsic queerness assigned to me at birth. My sexuality isn't really anyone's business unless we're looking to fuck eachother, but if there's a word for "Attracted to consenting & non genetically related human adults." I'm that.

Pansexual seems dishonest, because it's not literally everybody. It's like... everybody minus animals, children, family, and people who don't consent. Not that I want to throw shade on pansexuals or anything, they probably mean that by saying they're pansexual anyways, but I need a better word than "all-sexual" because it's just not a name that I jive with. It better be catchy too.