The best words in their best order... Wouldn't that be nice?

I just learned what a volta is. I watched some YouTube video about them.

I already have strong opinions. But what could I know?

I'm not writing, I'm being a code jockey. I program between HTML that I copied and pasted.

I take and I take, like a genuine pretender. I know it isn't real, but I'm having fun with it.

False valor is no exception, it's the rule. But what could I know about being an imposter?

I'd have to be an authority to tell you. Or at least that's what I think an authority would say.

Anyways... I think that voltas happen all the time. I look at my dreams, and then I look at the mirror.

I'm pretty sure everything's the volta. But what could I know? That's a literal question.

And then the void told me nothing. Thanks! Now I feel like Socrates.

I can't stop laughing.