I just can't help myself!

One thing after the other, after the other, my personal life gets whooshed into everything that I do. It really sucks! In a lot of ways I hope I can have my cake and eat it too by making a bunch of cash and never becoming popular until I'm long dead. It's not really about the cash, just the idea of living out the rest of my life just chilling. Plus I'd get a legacy that's hopefully positive, and I wouldn't have to be around for its developmental "terrible two" phase where it's running around drawing crayon on walls like a toddler. I'm not averse to having a kid, but I'm definitely averse to raising a kid. If a kid just kinda showed up somewhere in Norway from a sperm bank donation, who grew up with loving parents and felt like coming to me on a pilgrimmage to knock on my door and go "That's kinda neat." then go about the rest of their life largely unaffected by my existence, I think that kid would be my favorite. That's pretty much how I think about my legacy, in a way. (If you're a later child of mine reading this, just know that you're an accident by past me's standards. Much love, I love you too much to lie.)

Now, if someone does do an expose on me while I'm still alive it's not like I'll just hang myself right then and there. I'll live with it, this future generation that's molded by my every move, but full disclosure I'm going to think it's a huge drag. There's so many things that I've done over the years, some of them cool, some of them not so cool. A whole new generation reacting to every 'me' that's ever been while I'm still alive is not a rollercoaster I'm in line for. It's not even that I think it'll be super embarrassing, well somewhat, but it's going to be uncomfortable being cool for anything too. I don't really want anything to be a 'thing' but here I am writing everything I possibly can, so I guess my body defies my mind. I don't like having expectations to live up to. Or at least I like it when it's fine tuned exactly to my position on The Dunning Kruger Graph so I'm in a flow state all the time. Ok, that would be nice. I might as well just tell you "Expect just enough forever! Only just enough! And no, you're not getting hints! You'll have to get lucky."

Anyways, meantime, only look at just enough of my personal life! Only just enough! And no, you're not getting hints! You'll have to get lucky.