The hell even is this thing by this point? I've given it so much energy, so much condensed time and effort... People would take my word on it like I'm the writer behind Old Man Henderson's Backstory Of Doom, I can just say it's anything by this point. I could just offhandedly give this joke the power to make Hastur its bitch and suddenly *BOOM*, to the theme of The Canadian National Anthem, Hastur's just dying in a pile of rubble. All I have to do is just convince you to give me the authority to do that, and then it happens. Wouldn't it be funny if it just happened when you considered the possibility? Don't think about elephants.

Man, none of this shit matters. I don't care if you know what Old Man Henderson is, or The King In Yellow, or whatever the fuck allegories I've come across that I resonate with, this is here to simply exist. I'm not going to cater to you, that's just going to deplete the entire essence of all of this. That's like trying to write a period piece 60's spaghetti western but then adding Deadpool humor to the script where a character looks at the camera and describes you looking at a blog post on overdubs.neocities and reading this very sentence before your very eyes.

It's just fun seeing how far I can push this by this point.